Whoo Hoo! We did it!
A huge thank you to our incredible community groups, business sponsors, and personal donors who helped us achieve our crowdfunding goal! Through the Alberta government's matching program—which contributes 50% of what was donated, up to a maximum of $5,000—we set an ambitious goal of $10,000. Thanks to your generosity, we surpassed it, raising $10,356!
Because of your support, we were able to help 111 local families this year. Your kindness and contributions have made a real difference. Thank you for being part of this amazing achievement!
​Donations still be accepted. https://give.crowdfunding.alberta.ca/BeaumontNiskuChristmasElves
Our next goal: We’re working to increase our 50/50 Raffle as much as possible before ticket sales close on Friday, December 20, at midnight. We're currently at $6,220 and every ticket counts!
The draw will take place on Saturday, December 21. Get your tickets here: https://www.rafflebox.ca/raffle/bnce
Thank you for your continued support! Let's keep the momentum going!

Welcome to the Beaumont Nisku Christmas Elves
Helping Deliver a Joyful Holiday Season
Donate Today

Our Campaign Runs:
November 12 - December 12, 2024
Donation Bins will be picked up on December 12.
Our Elves need time to pack the hampers for delivery on December 16 by our Beaumont Firefighters.

PayPal Donations
The Beaumont Nisku Christmas Elves Society accept monetary donations via e-transfer to Treasurer@bnchristmaselves.ca or PayPal link or can be mailed to our PO Box.

If you require a little help during the holiday season, please submit a referral or if you know an individual or a family that could use some assistance, please submit their details. Campagin intakes will start November 12.
All submissions are confidential and are processed through Family & Community Social Services in Beaumont (FCSS) call 780-929-1006 or email fcss@beaumont.ab.ca
Closed for 2024!
Need Help this Christmas
Who are the Beaumont Nisku Christmas Elves?
We are a non-profit charitable organization that provides families who are struggling at Christmas with non-perishable food hampers, gift cards for perishables, toys and pajamas for children under 12 years of age, and toiletries and gift cards for teens.​
Each year we provide support for many families in our area. Some years the needs are greater than others. ​Our primary campaign kicks off in the middle of November and ends in the middle of December. We are also involved in many local community events raising awareness throughout the year.
Beaumont Nisku Christmas Elves is a non-profit organization that strives to provide families who are struggling at Christmas with food hampers and age appropriate gifts for children and teens.

Our Vision
To bring a joyful holiday season to all struggling families in our communities.